Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ladies Fellowship

Wah! Its December already.  Akai...nda berasai..pejam enchelak mata dah datai ujung taun.  Christmas tree udah ngangau dia minta dihias, alu bedau bisi ari tok. 

In Senadin, we have a Ladies Fellowship night organised by Sister Lunad every Tuesday fortnightly at her house.  It started early this year and last night was kind of a wrap up for this year.  Our main agenda is praying for our needs.  We normally start with singing(without music); kasih mai nda nemu nebah gitar.  Then followed by sharing from the word of God.  Pesanan ari Sister Gloria (their pastor's wife), if no word of God is shared, then it is not called prayer meeting, its called social gathering.  I always remember that, so we always make an effort to at least share one verse. (Gloria is now in Canada, now we have Antonia).

After sharing then we'll pray for everyone's need.  I have had a fruitful experience and knowledge; so hopefully ibuk and tantes out there will be able to join us next year.  Some of our other activities are watching christian movies and sometimes we have games and lastly eat.  Most of us bring our own food.  Mama Tupai jarang ulih mai laban ke selalu nda sempat.

Last night we had a teaching from Sister Antonia about hearing the voice of God.  There were also two African Student (Curtin) with us.

Checking attendance.

Singing without music.  Kami dua Elen betekad ka belajar guitar next year.

Sister Antonia teaching.

Makan time.  EtE mai chicken Kacang Ma.  Nyamai ko student dua iko nya.

Sabar Len, agi bisi lauk.

Nganti ka mupok.

Betemu baru next year.  Ibuk2/Tantes2 join us next year.
P/S Nganti Sister Lunad meri permisi home tour istana ya.

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